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Chinese translation for "winter quarters"


Related Translations:
quartered:  adj.1.四分的,四等分的。2.提供住处的。3.(把木头)纵向锯成四片再锯成木板的。
quarter:  n.1.四分之一。 ★3/4通常不说 three-fourths 而说 three quarters. 2. 一刻钟,十五分钟;一季〔四季结账期之一〕;每三个月的付款;〔主 Scot.〕一学期〔一年分四学期〕;【天文学】弦〔月球公转期的四分之一〕;【音乐】四分音符。3.〔英国〕夸特〔谷量单位,约2.909公石;衡量单位,1/24英担〕。4.〔美、加拿大〕二角五分(=1/4
winter:  n.1.冬,冬天,冬季。2.〔诗〕年,岁;冷季。3.衰落期,萧条期。短语和例子a hard winter 严冬。 a mild [soft] winter 暖和的冬天。 a man of sixty winters 六十岁的人。adj.冬天的,冬季的;越冬的;冬播的。 a winter crop 越冬作物。vt.1.冬季饲养(家畜),冬季贮藏(植物)。2.使受冻,使萎缩。v
quarter day:  四季结账日〔英格兰与爱尔兰是 Lady Day (3月25日), Midsummer Day (6月24日), Michaelmas (9月29日), Christmas (12月25日),苏格兰是 Candlemas (2月2日), Whitsunday (5月15日), Lammas (8月1日), Mastinmas (11月11日);美国是1、4、7、10月的1日〕
quarter bell:  每十五分钟一响的铃。
quarter section:  短语和例子〔美、加拿大〕【测量】1.约1/4平方英里的土地(=160英亩)。2.四分之一。
quarter boards:  〔pl.〕舰尾的防波板。
quarter tone:  【音乐】四分音 〔semitone 之半〕。
quarter line:  【航海】军舰的雁行式阵形。
latin quarter:  (巴黎的)拉丁区。
Example Sentences:
1.He returned somewhat despondently to his river again-his faithful, steady-going old river, which never packed up, flitted, or went into winter quarters .
2.What sort of games are you up to ? ’ said the water rat severely . ‘ you know it isn ' t time to be thinking of winter quarters yet , by a long way
“你们在玩什么游戏呀? ”河鼠绷着脸说。 “你们该懂得,现在还不是考虑过冬住所的时候,早着呐! ”
3.He returned somewhat despondently to his river again - his faithful , steady - going old river , which never packed up , flitted , or went into winter quarters
他又沮丧地回到河边- -这是他忠实的,永不变心的伙伴,它从不打点行装,从不迁徙,也从不到别处过冬。
4.He returned somewhat despondently to his river again ? his faithful , steady - going old river , which never packed up , flitted , or went into winter quarters
5.This victory will conclude our campaign , and we can return to winter quarters , where we shall be reinforced by fresh forces now being formed in france ; and then the peace i shall conclude will be one worthy of my people , of you and me
6.I am on the alert for the first signs of spring , to hear the chance note of some arriving bird , or the striped squirrel ' s chirp , for his stores must be now nearly exhausted , or see the woodchuck venture out of his winter quarters
我注意地等待着春天的第一个信号,倾听着一些飞来鸟雀的偶然的乐音,或有条纹的松鼠的啁啾,因为它的储藏大约也告罄了吧,我也想看? ?看土拨鼠如何从它们冬蛰的地方出现。
7.Herbert ponting , looking like fraternity brothers in a dormitory , members of scott ' s terra nova expedition savor various creature comforts in their snug pre - fabricated winter quarters at antarctica ' s ross island , as they await spring and their final assault on the south pole
8.I am less affected by their heroism who stood up for half an hour in the front line at buena vista , than by the steady and cheerful valor of the men who inhabit the snowplow for their winter quarters ; who have not merely the three - o ' - clock - in - the - morning courage , which bonaparte thought was the rarest , but whose courage does not go to rest so early , who go to sleep only when the storm sleeps or the sinews of their iron steed are frozen
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